Transient CSS160602:131014+323114

RA           Dec (2000)
197.55820      32.52069

Rough Mag:

Discovery data
Current lightcurve
Pre and post-discovery CSS images
Images from other surveys
P60 Follow-up

Pre-discovery 5' Catalina Sky Survey coadd image (transient location marked with 0)
N is towards the top and E is to the left.

ID    RA         Dec (2000)      mag      delmag    delra (")    deldec (")  PA (deg)
0 197.55820 32.52069 16.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 197.59061 32.49880 17.1 0.7 98.4 -78.8 128.7 9 197.56488 32.53533 18.6 2.2 20.3 52.7 21.0 14 197.53207 32.50986 15.8 -0.6 -79.3 -39.0 243.8 18 197.52399 32.48813 18.4 2.0 -103.8 -117.2 221.5

5' CSS Discovery Images
Image 1Image 2
Image 3Image 4

Published VOEvent xml information
Catalina Sky Survey optical transient RSS feed