Transient MLS160706:013409+310439

RA           Dec (2000)
23.53717      31.07747

Rough Mag:

Discovery data
Current lightcurve
Pre and post-discovery MLS images
Images from other surveys
P60 Follow-up

Pre-discovery 2' Mount Lemmon Survey coadd image (transient location marked with 0)
N is towards the top and E is to the left.

ID    RA         Dec (2000)      mag      delmag    delra (")    deldec (")  PA (deg)
0 23.53717 31.07747 20.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4 23.55612 31.07363 19.4 -1.5 58.4 -13.8 103.3 5 23.55318 31.06323 19.3 -1.6 49.4 -51.3 136.1 6 23.55249 31.07255 19.5 -1.5 47.2 -17.7 110.6 11 23.54892 31.07457 19.4 -1.5 36.2 -10.4 106.1 23 23.54043 31.06967 19.4 -1.5 10.1 -28.1 160.3 24 23.54041 31.06421 19.0 -1.9 10.0 -47.7 168.2 28 23.53918 31.07296 19.5 -1.5 6.2 -16.2 159.1 34 23.53586 31.08118 19.0 -2.0 -4.0 13.4 343.2 39 23.53236 31.08803 18.5 -2.4 -14.8 38.0 338.7 42 23.53176 31.09105 18.8 -2.2 -16.7 48.9 341.2 46 23.52826 31.08694 19.0 -2.0 -27.5 34.1 321.1 52 23.52653 31.06524 13.8 -7.1 -32.8 -44.0 216.7 57 23.52186 31.08703 19.4 -1.5 -47.2 34.4 306.1 63 23.51953 31.08947 19.4 -1.6 -54.4 43.2 308.5

2' MLS Discovery Images
Image 1Image 2
Image 3Image 4

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