The Catalina Surveys
Data Release 2 (CSDR2)

The Catalina Surveys Periodic Variable Catalog

Updated 2017-05-24.
Our new catalog of southern periodic variables can be found here.

This page contains information about 61,000 periodic variables discovered in CSDR1 by Drake, et al. 2014 ApJS, 213, 9.

The ascii catalog with the 47,000 new sources is available here.
The key to the numercial variable types is given in the following table.
For the previously published RR Lyrae, see this page.

EW 49.93 30743 1
EA 7.61 4683 2
beta Lyrae 0.45 279 3
RRab 27.28 16797 4
RRc 8.88 5469 5
RRd 0.82 502 6
Blazkho 0.36 223 7
RS CVn 2.47 1522 8
ACEP 0.10 64 9
Cep-II 0.20 124 10
HADS 0.39 242 11
LADS 0.01 7 12
LPV 0.83 512 13
ELL 0.23 143 14
Hump 0.04 25 15
PCEB 0.14 85 16
EA_UP 0.25 155 17

Photometry associated with the objects in the catalog can be downloaded here (271MB).
The columns in the catalog are ID,MJD,Mag,Magerr,RA,Dec.

For further details of the catalog see the paper.

We are also supplying a list of 4,800 IDs associated with candidate periodic varisbles for where no good period was found.