Database Table Contents
Master objects are those sources detected in coadds (Master frames) from approx 20 CSS images. Objects detected in individual images are linked to these objects based on their position. The matching radius is a function of seeing and telescope resolution. Information about all master images is placed in MasterFrame whereas the photometry of the objects is in MastercatCSS (MastercatMLS and MastercatSSS for MLS and SSS coadd sources). MasterFrameMasterFrame contains a list of all (CSS+MLS+SSS) the existing coadd frame centers and frame coord limits. This table also contains the telescope (CSS=1, MLS=2, SSS=3) and an ID for the master images (the MastFrameID). MastFrameID is derived from a CSS field in the following way:Telescope (1,2,3) + (hemisphere N = 1, S = 0) + field number. eg. CSS N10001 = 1110001 MLS S00120 = 2000120 SSS S03423 = 3003423
MastercatCSSMastercatCSS contains all the photometry for these coadd frames. In addition to photometry this contains an order 14 HTM index for fast spatial searches. The objects are identified by a master object ID (MasterID). MasterID is derived from MastFrameID + six digit detection detection 12321 in frame CSS N10001 would be 1110001 + 012321 = 1110001012321
Individual Object Catalogs The individual object catalogs include all the detections from the North and South grid fields of CSS. Each detection is linked to a master sources and placed in the photometry catalog (Photcat). Sources with no match to master objects are put in the separate Orphan object catalog (OrphancatCSS). Orphan objects include real sources such as asteroids as well as other transients. Other spurious single detections are also included. However, some objects have been removed based on quality flags. Information that is common to an image is placed in the frame catalog (FramecatCSS).
FramecatCSSFramecatCSS contains all the frame info for the CSS individual frames. The contains the number of detections, the median FWHM, the median magnitude as well as RA and Dec offsets WRT the master frame, the exposure time and airmass, the name of the frame and location (for a future image cutout service), the observation time and middle MJD time. In addition this contains HTM info. The objects are identified by a FrameID consisting of date, field scan and image number. Note, the telescope identifier (1,2,3) is not contained in the a frame observed on 2005-04-06 = 50406 and Field N12058 = 112058 scan 1 and image 1 = 1 + 1 would be 50406 + 112058 + 1 + 1 = 5040611205811 PhotcatCSSPhotcatCSS contains all the photometry for the frames that match objects in the master frames. This contains the associated master object and master frame ID. This also contains a flag to say whether the measurement vary WRT the magnitude if the object in the master frame (TVAR). This table also contains the HTM coords of the associated master object. Objects are identified by an ID consisting of the FrameID + six digit detection the 19010th object detection of the above example would be 5040611205811 + 019010 = 5040611205811019010The objects are index on the matching master object so that data can be retreived directly. The frame Id is also an index, so that frame metadata can be retrieved directly (from FramecatCSS).
OrphancatCSSOrphancatCSS contains the detections that are covered by the master frame area but do not match sources detected in the master frames. In addition this contains HTM info. Objects are identified by and ID consisting of the FrameID + six digit detection number as with Photcat IDs above. Since there is no link between individual orphan objects the table is partioned in Declination based on the master frame they overlap with and indexed in RA (and frame to provide frame metadata).Objects from the non-CSS North-South grids will likely be placed in a separate catalog in the future.
NoteAlthough there is only one MasterFrame table, there is a Mastercat, Photcat, Framecat, and Orphancat table for each telescope (CSS,MLS,SSS).
Param | Type | Description |
MastFRAMEID | MEDIUMINT | PRIMARY KEY, ID of master image. |
RAcent | DOUBLE | Right Ascension frame center. |
Deccent | DOUBLE | Declination frame center. |
Telescope | TINYINT | Telescope used (1=CSS, 2=MLS, 3=SSS) |
SIZE | FLOAT | Camera field of view. |
RAmin | FLOAT | Minimum Right Ascension of detected object. |
RAmax | FLOAT | Maximum Right Ascension of detected object. |
Decmin | FLOAT | Minimum Declination of detected object. |
Decmax | FLOAT | Maximum Declination of detected object. |
Magoffset | FLOAT | Average magnitude offset for Master image. |
Param | Type | Description |
MastFRAMEID | MEDIUMINT | ID of master image. |
X | FLOAT | X location in image (0-4096). |
Y | FLOAT | Y location in image (0-4096). |
Mag | FLOAT | Magnitude of object. |
Theta | FLOAT | Position angle of detection. |
Elong | FLOAT | Elongation of object. |
FWHM | FLOAT | FWHM of object. |
FLAGS | SMALLINT | Sextractor extraction flag. |
MU_MAX | FLOAT | Peak surface brightness (mag.arcsec). |
FLUX_ISO | DOUBLE | Isophotal flux of object. |
ISOAREA | SMALLINT | Area of lowest isophote (pixels). |
RA | DOUBLE | Right Ascension of object. |
DECL | DOUBLE | Declination of object. |
htmid | INT UNSIGNED | HTM index (order 14) |
Param | Type | Description |
MastFRAMEID | MEDIUMINT | ID of matching master image. |
raoff | FLOAT | Medium RA offset of detections from Master image. |
decoff | FLOAT | Medium Dec offset of detections from Master image. |
magoff | FLOAT | Medium Mag offset of detections from Master image. |
medfwhm | FLOAT | Medium FWHM of objects in frame. |
ndet | MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED | Number of detected objects in frame. |
ramin | DOUBLE | Min RA of detected objects. |
ramax | DOUBLE | Max RA of detected objects. |
decmin | DOUBLE | Min Dec of detected objects. |
decmax | DOUBLE | Max Dec of detected objects. |
framename | VARCHAR(30) | Image name on archival storage. |
framepath | VARCHAR(60) | Path to frame on archival storage. |
ISODATE | VARCHAR(24) | Observation start time in ISO standard. |
airmass | FLOAT | Airmass of observation. |
expose | MEDIUMINT | Exposure time. |
RACent | FLOAT | Image central RA. |
DecCent | FLOAT | Image central Dec. |
MJD | DOUBLE | MJD at middle of observation. |
Param | Type | Description |
FRAMEID | BIGINT | ID of image. (index) |
MasterID | BIGINT | ID of matching master object. (index, partition key) |
MastFRAMEID | MEDIUMINT | ID of master image containing object. (index in MLS) |
X | FLOAT | X position of detection (0-4096). |
Y | FLOAT | Y position of detection (0-4096). |
Mag | FLOAT | Magnitude of detection. |
Theta | FLOAT | Position angle of detection. |
Elong | FLOAT | Elongation of object. |
FWHM | FLOAT | FWHM of object. |
FLAGS | SMALLINT | Sextractor extraction flag. |
MU_MAX | FLOAT | Peak surface brightness (mag.arcsec). |
FLUX_ISO | DOUBLE | Isophotal flux of object. |
ISOAREA | SMALLINT | Area of lowest isophote (pixels). |
TVAR | TINYINT | Significantly brighter than master object (yes=1/no=0). |
RA | DOUBLE | Right Ascension of object. |
DECL | DOUBLE | Declination of object. |
Param | Type | Description |
ID | BIGINT UNSIGNED | ID of detection. |
FRAMEID | BIGINT | ID of detection frame. |
MastFRAMEID | MEDIUMINT | ID of matching master frame. (index, Partitioned key) |
X | FLOAT | X position of detection (0-4096). |
Y | FLOAT | Y position of detection (0-4096). |
Mag | FLOAT | Magnitude of detection. |
Theta | FLOAT | Position angle of detection. |
Elong | FLOAT | Elongation of object. |
FWHM | FLOAT | FWHM of object. |
FLAGS | SMALLINT | Sextractor extraction flag. |
MU_MAX | FLOAT | Peak surface brightness (mag.arcsec) |
FLUX_ISO | DOUBLE | Flux of object. |
ISOAREA | SMALLINT | Area of lowest isophote (pixels). |
RA | DOUBLE | Right Ascension of object. (index) |
DECL | DOUBLE | Declination of object. |
htmid | BIGINT (to INT UNSIGNED) | HTM_index (order 14 index in MLS) |
car_x | DOUBLE | Cartesian X (to remove, not in MLS) |
car_y | DOUBLE | Cartesian Y (to remove, not in MLS) |
car_z | DOUBLE | Cartesian Z (to remove, not in MLS) |