Improving the ZTF photometric calibration. | ||||||||||||||
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ZTF vs PS1ZTF filters do not match PS1 filters:![]() A comparison of ZTF filter transmission with PS1 and SDSS (Ngeow et al. 2019). In fact, there is a ~15% difference in ZTF g-r colours and PS1 g-r colours (~5% in g, and ~10% in r). The effect of these differences becomes obvious for red sources in ZTF r-band. Here we see strong colour dependent residuals due to differences in wavelength response. In bulk, the difference between these two systems is accounted for, on the quadrant level, by the calibration colour coefficient. However, since there is only a single photometric calibration per quadrant, any variations within a quadrant will not be accounted for. For example, if the degree of reddening varies across a quadrant (this can be > 1 magnitude in low Galactic latitude fields), then the extinction of PS1 calibrator stars will not match that for their ZTF counterparts. This will produce spatially (reddening) dependent residuals in photometric calibrations. Reddening very strongly drives the values of colour coefficents required to match PS1 in r-band. Thus, even at very low levels of reddening can result in poor calibration. The wavelength response of the individual ZTF CCDs is incompletely known. Nevertheless, it is known that transmission varies strongly within CCDs because of thickness variations, and between CCDs because of differing average QE and varying AR coatings. Additionally, there could be some slight non-uniformity among filter coatings. Current analysis suggests that each g-band quadrant has a different colour coefficient. While in r-band the variations are mainly just and offset between the central AR-coated CCDs and the outer ones. The results for i-band are unknown. Nevertheless, just considering g and r-band, there are potentially at least 50 different reddening coefficients. Atmospheric ConditionsThe two major sources of systematic photometric errors are instrumental changes and atmospheric variations. ZTF lacks a photometric monitoring telescope (there is a seeing monitor) that could be used to track changes in transmission as a function of sky position and wavelength (c.f. LSST and SDSS).Variations in atmopsheric conditions would not be a significant problem if these variation were slow and predictable. However, this is clearly very often not the case since ZTF observes whenever possible. Variations in transmission are even seen within individual quadrants and thus cannot be accounted for with the current single quadrant level calibrations.
AirmassThe first order effect of airmass on ZTF images is clear and indirectly corrected for by the calibration process by way of a varying ZP. The much smaller second order airmass effect is the colour dependence of extinction. The bulk of this effect is taken into account within the calibration by the colour coefficient. However, as with reddening, extinction varies across the width of quadrant due to the variation in airmass over the ~ 1 degree. For example, the differential extinction across a ZTF quadrant is ~1% in g-band at airmass 2.Overall, failure to account for the extinction colour term can lead to a small bulk residual effect. But since this is small, it is not always obvious.
The amount of extinction likely varies slightly between CCDs due to
known variations in the filter transmission and
QE + AR coating, and hence the response function. Considering
this: Seeing/PSFFor the PSF photometry, a single linearly varying PSF is fit per quadrant. Significant PSF shape based variations have been observed on the quadrant level. As expected these are due to variations in the PSF shape with object colour and location. The inclusion of sharpness and residual Chi parameters from daophot results in fits enables us to improve the beyond the current ZTF calibration.There are also clear issues on the edges of fields. These are due to both, varying degrees of scattered light, as well as poorly constrained PSF solutions (average PSF fit reduced chisq values are large along edges). Additionally, early ZTF data might show a larger PSF dependence due to poorer focus calibration. For median absolute photometric calibration, these problems are taken into account to some extent by the spatial structure map. However, variations in this structure over time are expected since ZTF flatfields show significant variations with time. Instrumental VariationsThe ZTF system has not been stable over time. Individual quadrant throughput have been found to vary by 0.15 mags over time. Part of this variation is due to the accumulation of dust. However, the full extent of the variation is yet to be discovered.Our approach to separate instrumental variation from atmospheric ones has been to model the underlying dependencies of the ZPs.
Magnitude BiasZTF photometry exhibits a clear bias with object magnitude. The cause may be a combination of star colour variations (bright calibrator stars are bluer than faint ones), linearity problems, and the brighter fatter effect.The magnitude bias has been corrected for bright sources, but may be field dependent and is not corrected for faint objects due unquantified Eddington bias. No corrections have been attempted in i-band.
FlatfieldsSpatial variations in flatfields over time of up to 2%. Some very large variations seen at discrete times (e.g. cleaning). Spatial variations are seen within each readout channel.Corrections for the average photometric residuals have been applied and generally bring these mags to within ~0.7% of PS1. Shorter timespan corrections are required to reduce the scatter in lightcurves for the minimum of ~1.2%. Current flatfield analysis results. Photometric OffsetsAnalysis of the ZTF photometric zero points shows systematic variations between fields as well as across the camera. The variations between CCD quadrants amount to 0.2 mags in g-band and 0.35 in r-band due to illumination and CCD QE differences. On the edges of the camera, variations of 0.05 mags occur within quadrants that are not accounted for due to the use of a single ZP per quadrant. These differences in ZP drive much a the spatial structure in the photometric residuals WRT PS1.Individual frames and fields have offsets due to a combination of different effects. CCD gain and readout changesThe gain linearity and readout waveforms have changed multiple times over the ZTF-1 observing span for each quadrant. These have produced science images with edges having vary numbers off bad lines and columns. Additional structures such as Moire patterns, charge spillage ghosts, and crosstalk are present.Half the data taken between mid-Dec 2019 and early Jan 2020 was reduced with bad flatfields due to a CCD readout issue. The photometry will have been affected. Overscan problemsProblems with readout backflow produce erroneous counts in overscan regions. The fit to this data produce artificial sky gradients in the science images. This problem appears to affect as much as ~6% of images (based on 21 ZTF fields). However, the bad overscan subtractions themselves only affect a very small fraction of the photometry (< 1%) since these generally only produce a slight gradient in the background.Corrections for bad overscan are possible in the future, by simply replacing bad fits with median overscan values. Current overscan analysis results. SoftwareAside from variations in atmospherics components and instrumental response the accuracy of the photometry is dependent on how well the software works in the presence of these variations.The g-band data appears much more susceptible to observing conditions than r-band. In g-band, there are variations in photometry with skylevel - number calibrator stars - colour coefficient and airmass in g-band. In r-band calibration dependence on airmass and number of calibrators. The residuals in r-band exhibit a complex dependency on ZP and color coefficient (related to field reddening).
The g-band skylevel problem is largely due to a lack of calibration stars
within sparse fields. The importance of the number of calibrators on
the ZP uncertainty is
High skylevels and few calibrators lead to calibrations that are
systematically wrong and thus can be corrected to some extent.
These effects has been quantified. However, the current solution
based on bright stars (mag < 18.5, high S/N photometry) does not appear ideal in
since there appears to be a magnitude dependency.
Fringing interference still present to some extent in i-band. No work has been carried out i-band biases. Skylevel variations with the images are caused by variations in the transparency due to partial coverage of clouds. Gradients are also present due to the moon and other light sources. These intra-quadrant effect are not corrected in the calibration process. The lack of calibrators make spatial corrections difficult in sparse fields. A different approach may be necessary in such cases.
Calibrator ErrorsSlight systematic offsets (< 1%) are seen between PS1 photometry and ZTF median photometry (calibrated to PS1). These offsets strongly correlated with Galactic latitude and likely due to differences in reddening for PS1 and ZTF filtered data. These offset are seen in both r-band and g-band photometry.Corrections for fields offsets have been applied to ZTF PSF photometry, but these may be incorrect since the average correction varies with the number of frames observed.